The Sticky Truth About Fake Honey

Much of the honey found in stores is fake, containing little to no actual honey - a major food fraud issue.

Honey can be adulterated by heating, filtering, diluting with sugar/syrup, or harvesting plant nectar prematurely before becoming honey.

Some feed bees sugar/syrup instead of allowing natural foraging, reducing the honey's nutrients and impacting bee health.

USDA has honey grading but no enforcement, allowing mislabeling. The "Honeygate" scandal in 2013 exposed massive fraud.

Experts estimate up to 70% of U.S. honey is fake or adulterated, impacting legitimate beekeepers' livelihoods as prices drop.

Increased pressure on bees for production hurts their health and pollination of other plants vital to food supply.

Fake honey made from refined sugar/corn syrup lacks therapeutic benefits of real honey and is highly inflammatory.

To avoid fakes, buy from local beekeepers or certified sources like True Source Honey. Look for floral notes, non-stickiness.

Supporting local beekeepers protects bees' vital role in crop pollination and food security amid declining populations.